Beginners Guide to Microdosing
Are you interested in psychedelic mushrooms but are not sure where to start? Have you done some research on the topic but still have questions? Well, we’re here to answer your questions! The psychedelic realm can be confusing to navigate at first, but it doesn’t have to be. We’ll give you all the basics so you can begin your journey with confidence.
This article is a beginner’s guide for those of us who want to know more about microdosing magic mushrooms. Let’s dive right into it.
What is microdosing and how can I use it?
Microdosing is the act of taking a tiny amount of psychedelic substances, such as psilocybin mushrooms or LSD to improve mood and overall well-being. Theoretically, the dosage should be sub-perceptual, meaning that the individual would not experience any sort of altered state of consciousness.
These doses are usually very small – just enough to enhance everyday life and mental processes. By microdosing, many people have said that they increased their creative problem-solving skills or improved their mood in general. There has been tremendous progress within medicine when it comes to an understanding of how psychedelics can treat mental health issues.
Many scientists are now trying to see whether microdosing could have the same effects without the hallucinogenic effects because research has shown that these substances have very few negative side effects when taken in small doses.
You might also have heard of microdosing in Silicon Valley, where many tech professionals use small doses of psychedelics to enhance productivity. Studies show that psychedelics make an individual more likely to think outside the box and create new ideas or find solutions for issues at hand, making them well-suited for creative tasks.
The Benefits of Microdosing Mushrooms
Microdosing mushrooms has many benefits, even for those who are healthy. Scientists have researched extensively to discover what else these substances can do besides induce altered states of consciousness. Here are just some of the benefits that people have discovered when they microdose psilocybin.
Decreased depression
Increased motivation
More energy
Better focus
Improved concentration
Better memory
Stress relief
Enhanced cognition
Heightened senses
PTSD Treatment
The list just goes on and on. Many have found that microdosing is beneficial for treating mental health issues such as depression. Researchers are still not entirely sure why this happens, but they think it has to do with the brain’s serotonin system. Many antidepressants work by targeting the serotonin system, so perhaps small doses of psychedelics also target these receptors in a way that helps us feel good more often.
Microdosing Schedule & Dosage
When it comes to dosage and schedule, they are highly variable. In fact, it’s recommended to tailor your microdosing schedule to fit your specific needs. Everybody is different, and what works for you might not work for another, and vice-versa. But if you’re looking for a starting point, here’s what we recommend.
A regular mushroom trip is usually achieved by ingesting 1.5-3.5g. The trip varies in intensity depending on how much you take, but that’s the range most people stay in. Considering microdosing is 1/10th of a typical trip, you want to take around 0.15-0.4g of dried shrooms to get the same effect without hallucinating.
Take note that psilocybin levels can differ significantly between species. For example, Psilocybe cubensis contains up to 1.8% psilocybin, while Conocybe cyanopus has between .68 and 1.37%.
The best way to identify your sweet spot is through trial and error. Pick a dosage and start there. If you feel high, you took too much. If you don’t feel anything, take a little more the next time. Continue until you’ve found your “threshold” – the minimum amount of shrooms required to get any effects. You’ll know once you’ve reached it because whatever amount of mushrooms you ingest will produce the desired result within 30 minutes or less.
Ideally, you want to be just below that threshold, so you can continue going to work or going about your day as usual and not feel any negative effects. If you take too little, the effects won’t be very noticeable, and it will be difficult to tell if they’ll actually work.
Even if you don’t feel anything right away, don’t worry; microdosing is a long-term thing. If you’re looking for a one-time solution, perhaps a full-blown trip is a better fit for you. Microdosing will deliver the same positive changes but gradually over time. These changes usually take weeks to show up. The effects can last for months after stopping, so it’s important you only microdose every four days or so at most.
Please note that you shouldn’t microdose every day, and we recommend microdosing between once every three days and once every two weeks. Any more than that will likely result in too much build-up of tolerance to achieve its desired effects.
Microdosing is a powerful way to treat some mental disorders and provides positive long-term changes that improve your life. To get the most out of microdosing, try finding your threshold first. Once you know what dose works for you, take as little as possible every four days – certainly not more than once a week.
Once you’ve found the sweet spot, microdosing magic mushrooms can be as easy as taking a walk in nature or going for an innocent swim at your local beach. You’ll always have those positive effects from now on – no more apathy or social anxiety! And now you know how to microdose shrooms to get the most out of your trip. Happy trails!
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